Dragon Age: Origins Free on Origin
Bioware's fantasy RPG Dragon Age: Origins is available for free download on Origin until October 14th.
The choice-driven game from the studio behind Mass Effect takes players to the world of Thedas, where an ancient order known as the Grey Wardens defend its people against the demonic Blight. Origins is the first in the series--followed by Dragon Age II and the upcoming Dragon Age: Inquisition--and delivers much of the preliminary world-building of the DA universe.
Origins received widespread praise for it's in-depth incorporation of player choice into the game's story; like most Bioware games, how the player chooses to resolve conflicts or who they choose to side with impacts events throughout the game. DA:O also received praise for its skilltree-based combat system, which allows players to customise their own character and party members for a range of attack styles.
Dragon Age: Origins is available for PC through Origin as part of EA's On the House service, which lets players permanently download a particular game for free to their account.