DOOM Eternal Delayed
id software, developer behind DOOM, has announced that the upcoming sequel, DOOM Eternal, is being delayed by four months.
To make sure we’re delivering the best experience -- for DOOM Eternal to live up to our standards of speed and polish -- we’ve made the decision to extend our launch date by a few months to March 20, 2020. We know many fans will be disappointed by this delay, but we are confident that DOOM Eternal will deliver a gaming experience that is worth the wait.
Of course, AAA games getting more polish can only help things in the long run, and avoid unnecessary issues. However, the date is only for Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One - the Switch version is being delayed further by an unspecified amount.
To make up for the delay, they have also said that Invasion Mode, which will allow you to enter another player’s game as a playable demon, will release as a free update shortly after launch, and if you pre order DOOM Eternal on any platform you will get DOOM 64 for free.
Doom 64 was released on the Nintendo 64 in 1997, as a follow-up to Doom II: Hell on Earth, and has never been re-released before.
DOOM Eternal is coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on 20th March 2020, and later to Nintendo Switch.