Dino Dini to Return with New Kick Off Game
Dino Dini, veteran British game developer turned game design lecturer, is returning to the industry that he left nearly 20 years ago for a new game. The project, an update to the classic football simulator Kick Off will be his first new title since the poorly recieved 1998 PlayStation title Three Lions.
Dino announced the news via YouTube and and also on the Playstation EU Blog The game will be a Sony exclusive and is set to be available next year on the PS4 and PS Vita. It will retain the classic series' name and take the title Kick off Revival
Although the game will be 3D, it will retain the classic top-down view and arcade feel that was a staple of the original games. Those who remember the game from the days of the Amiga and the Atari ST should feel at home with the new title. Dino Stated:
"The game is going to be in 3D, but only because it is actually easier to make games like that these days. I may offer different camera views, but the default views will be the classic top down approach of Kick Off 2 and GOAL!, perhaps with small adjustments.
The spirit will be that of the old games, but designed with the modern hardware in mind. This is particularly true of the controllers. 25 years ago home computers used an eight-direction joystick with one button. These were digital, not analogue. You could only aim in eight directions. The new game will make full use of the analogue controls, and the gameplay is tuned to work with these. The effect is that the feel and the spirit of the original game is retained, but the possibilities for precision and skill are vastly improved."
Wedgeh - 12:44pm, 16th October 2015
Oh my word!