Devolver Digital Super Secret Sale
Running through E3 until 15th June, you can grab their titles from Steam, the Humble Store, GoG and selected ones are even available on the PSN.
Devolver Digital are the developer of many fantastically violent games such as Hotline Miami, Serious Sam, Broforce and the upcoming Always Sometimes Monsters (our review of which is going to be up on the site soon!).
Here's a few examples of the deals they are putting out:
Luftrausers - £6.99 £5.24
Broforce - £11.99 £9.59
Serious Sam Complete Pack - £69.99 £17.50
Hotline Miami - £6.99 £2.79
You can go to the Devolver site to get your hands on these deals, alternatively you can find the entire of their catalogue on Steam.