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Destiny 2's Season of the Worthy Revealed

It's a whole host of "10s" for Destiny 2 this March. Bungie's looty-shooty-grind-athon is approaching its 10th season, Season of the Worthy, on the 10th March at 10AM (That's Pacific time, admittedly it'll be 6PM in the UK).

What's there to look forward to in season 10, you ask? Except for new exotic weapons and armour; new story content; a fresh season pass full of new rewards; a seasonal event; oh, and the return of Trials of Osiris? Not much, not much at all.

The Last City is (once again) in danger of total destruction, this time at the hands of one "escaped" Psion Flayer. To save the City once and (probably not) for all, Guardians must team up with foes of old to eradicate the threat and, presumably, prove their worthiness... at some point.

It's more Destiny 2... at this point, you should know if you're up for this. If you are, then set that alarm for a bright and early start on 10th March: those heads aren't going to shoot themselves.

Destiny 2's Season of the Worthy will run from 10th March - 9th June on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Stadia.

Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this

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