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DEATHLOOP - New Release Date Revealed

After being delayed from Christmas 2020 to "Q1 2021", Arkane Studios' DEATHLOOP has now been given a firm release date of 21st May 2021 for PlayStation 5 and PC, as confirmed by the official release date trailer above.

Interestingly, despite Arkane now being owned by Microsoft, as a result of the recent Microsoft-Bethesda acquisition, the timed-exclusivity arrangement for DEATHLOOP on PlayStation 5 consoles still stands. Xbox Series S/X owners will eventually be able to get in on DEATHLOOP's seamless single-player/multiplayer assassination action, but they'll just have to wait a little longer.

Additionally, the details of the game's Deluxe Edition on PlayStation 5 have also been revealed:

Deathloop Deluxe Edition Image

  • Eat The Rich Tribunal Unique Weapon
  • .44 Karat Fourpounder Unique Weapon
  • "Party Crasher" Colt Character Skin
  • "Sharp Shooter" Julianna Character Skin
  • Original Game Soundtrack Selections
  • Two Trinkets (equippable in-game buffs)
  • The Prey-inspired Unique Weapon, Transtar Trencher (PlayStation 5 Exclusive)

With the following bonuses available to customers who pre-order either the standard or Deluxe editions:

  • "Storm Rider" Colt Character Skin
  • One Trinket (equippable in-game buff)
  • A Dishonored-inspired Unique Weapon, Royal Protector Machete (PlayStation 5 Exclusive)

DEATHLOOP releases on PlayStation 5 and PC on the 21st May. Pre-orders are open now.

Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this

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