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Deadpool Returns to Steam

Last year, after only six months on sale, Deadpool was removed from Steam, the PSN and Xbox store. It was joined by X-Men Destiny, X-Men Origins and Spider-Man Web of Shadows due to the license Activision held lapsing and them not feeling it worth renewing.

Well, it seems that they have had second thoughts -- but only for Deadpool.

The fourth-wall-breaking merc with a mouth has returned to Steam (and we keep an open mind for other digital outlets).

There's little doubt that this is as a result of the fantastic reception that the Ryan Reynolds-led Deadpool movie has been getting, and is a perfect way to cash in on it. It's cheaper to renew the license on an existing title than trying to make a movie tie-in.

You can find out what we thought of the High Moon Studios title here.

Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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azrael316 - 12:45pm, 16th July 2015

Quick, the movies out in a few onths, put that shoddy game up again. People wont realise its not very good until its too late...

Acelister - 12:49pm, 16th July 2015 Author

I quite liked it. But I'm a big fan of Deadpool...

azrael316 - 05:49pm, 16th July 2015

I bet Im a bigger fan. :p (I own New Mutants #52!)

And I though it was shocking. So much promise, very little delivery.

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