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Deadpool is Coming to Marvel's Midnight Suns

Hey, is this thing on? How the hell did I get roped into this? Who reads gaming news on websites these days?

What!? What do you mean I’m not getting paid for this!? I swear, if ya-

Oh s**t, you’re writing this all down? Ah, fine. I’m only doing this cuz you promised donuts after this. Thank you for not giving my chimichangas like everyone else does. Okay… what are we talking about again?

Oh, right. DEADPOOL’S COMING TO MARVEL’S MIDNIGHT SUNS, BABY! Being part of the first post-launch DLC is an honour, and I’d like to thank my dog, the voices in my head, and your mum. What’s it called anyways?

The Good, the Bad, and the Undead? What kind of lame name is that? Who’s working at marketing in Firaxis? Cuz I want them fired! Into the Washington Monument!

I AM FOLLOWING THE SCRIPT! Wait, this one? No, this one! Okay, okay! Umm… let’s see here… uh…  It’s available as either a standalone purchase or as part of the Marvel’s Midnight Suns Season Pass, which is included in the Legendary Edition, where each piece of DLC brings in new heroes, three more story missions, an upgrade to the Abbey, and new skins and outfits for the heroes. Ugh, that sounds expensive. Why can’t games come out as finished?

You’re still writing this down, okay! Deadpool’s bringing in chaos and awesome, and an opportunity to get into my pants if you hang out with me enough in the Abbey. Ah, but a bunch of new bad guys are coming in my story missions, which you’ll wanna do cause my new Food Truck is gonna help ya beat off people in the battlefield.

The Good, the Bad, and the Undead DLC — name still sucks by the way — will be available on the 26th of January, 2023 for Windows PC via Steam and Epic Games Store, PlayStation 5 and Xbox X|S. To play the fun parts of the game (my missions), ya gotta complete the “Spidermaaaans” mission and after Spidey unmasks in the Abbey during Act One. I’ll be recruitable after completing the new "A Man of Culture" mission so uh… don’t keep me waiting.


- Deadpool, Mercenary

Marvel's Midnight Suns is currently available on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox X|S.

Dylan Pamintuan

Dylan Pamintuan

Staff Writer

An Australian-born guy whose trying to show everyone why games are awesome.

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