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Dead Cells' Bestiary Update - New Weapons, Foes and More in 1.8.5

Dead Cells' Bestiary Update - New Weapons, Foes and More in 1.8.5

With the recent Bad Seed DLC, the platforming roguelike Dead Cells is bigger than ever. Accounting for that, Motion Twin has released an update for the PC version of the game aimed towards bolstering the game's enemy count and variety. As always with this shining star of the indie development world however, the studio has gone above and beyond in packing the update full of weapons, effects, outfits, tweaks and more. Get a full rundown of The Bestiary Update's official changelog on Motion Twin's website, or read on for highlights.

Six New Enemies

While there are six brand new 'common' enemies in this update. Three of them are restricted to Boss Cell runs of the game (harder difficulty modes unlocked through beating the final boss). The other three, however, are biome specific and a danger to all players traversing the relevant stage.

11 New Affixes

The pool of affixes (unique effects tied to weapons and skills) has been expanded:

  • A burst of fire, ice, poison or bleeding can punctuate the end of an active skill.
  • Deploying a trap can now trigger a barrage of arrows, a burst of fire or the release of a grenade.
  • Using a skill can now replenish a player's arrow supply.
  • Skills can now extend the effect of powers like Wings of the Crow or Smokebomb.
  • The end of an active skill can push enemies away.
  • A deadly oil and fire combination can spread upon a trap's destruction.

Two New Weapons

Now joining the weapon roster is a crowbar. Drawing from the 'Brutality' upgrade path, the crowbar will score a guaranteed critical hit directly after destroying a prop or breaking open a door. In addition to this, a portable door enters the weapon pool. As a shield item, the door is worn on the player's back for added protection and stuns enemies upon turning around.

That's Not All

There's a lot more in this update too: outfits, added lore rooms, enemy balancing, achievements and more tweaks than a caffeinated junkie. Find the full list of changes and additions here.

The Bestiary Update is out now for Dead Cells on PC. It'll be coming to consoles next month.

Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this

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