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Day of the Devs 2024: Petal Runner

Tonight at Day of the Devs 2024, we saw the world premiere of Petal Runner. A homage to classic Game Boy games, Brandon James Greer and Danny Guo from Nano Park delve more into their new game.

Petal Runner is a slice-of-life with a retro flavour. In it, you play as Cali, a motorcycle courier who delivers pets to the people of Sapphire Valley. In Sapphire Valley, digital pets are made with flowers, and you play as a petal runner. The cells of HanaPets are installed by petal runners in videogames, and once complete, the digital pet is born.

Cali is a new recruit, and they have a rivalry with another recruit and a lifetime ally in the form of Kira. Kira is a HanaPet who can talk and offer advice to Cali as the two of them grow accustomed to the city.

With a combination of motorcycles, pets, flowers, and robots, Petal Runner is a homage to classic anime and Game Boy. If you’re interested, feel free to add it to your wishlist on Steam.

Summer Game Fest 2024
Bex Prouse

Bex Prouse

Staff Writer

Writing about all sorts like a liquorice allsort

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