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Dauntless' Seasonal Frostfall Event is Here

The festive season has come to monster-slaying action RPG Dauntless. Enjoy the snow-dusted land and celebrate "Frostfall" with a series of limited-time contracts with unique rewards up for grabs. Here are the details:

The Light Kiss Contract

Available from 17th - 24th December, turning this contract in to Arkan Drew will see players rewarded with a "Frostfall Mistletoe" lantern skin.

 The Cap and Trade Contract

Available from 24th - 26th December, turning this contract into Admiral Janek Zai will result in a shiny-new "Watch Cap" helmet skin.

The Seated Slayer Contract

Available from 26th December - 2nd January, players will turn this contract in to Zelya the Farslayer in return for a "Sit Cross-Legged" and "Sit Back" emote.

These contracts are available to pick up for a very limited time; but once acquired, players will have until 30th January to complete and turn them in. What's more, even Dauntless veterans can enjoy the rewards of Frostfall: those who already own one or all of the contract's rewards will earn platinum instead of the skins and emotes.

The first Frostfall contract is available to pick up in Dauntless now for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. Check out the trailer above to get yourself in the Frostfall spirit!

Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this

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