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Dark Souls III Screenshots - Online Elements

A set of screenshots from upcoming game, Dark Souls III have just been released by From Software. The beautiful screens showcase some of the new elements coming to the game including:

  • Bloodstains - Bloodstains will be caused by the death of another player and touching them will reveal how they died, perhaps allowing you to prepare for imminent dangers.
  • Blood Messages - Players will be able to leave messages written in blood in the environment for other adventurers. They can be used to help or hinder others, and can be rated as 'fine'  or 'foul'. Each time they are rated you'll have half your HP restored - nice!
  • Co-op - This one's pretty obvious, you can summon another player into your world to help out.
  • PvP - The Dark Spirit of another player can invade your game and cause a dangerous enemy for you to take down.
  • Embers - Players can use embers to temporarily restore the HP of the Lord of Cinder which increases their own HP and allows other players to summon white spirits.

Other screens show the different classes one can utilise when playing and their strengths.

Dark Souls III launches for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in North America and Europe in April 2016, and in Japan on March 24.

Emsey P. Walker

Emsey P. Walker

Junior Editor

Emsey is a lover of games and penguins. Apparently she does some writing too...somewhere...

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CatSwinburn - 11:06pm, 15th October 2015

love the blatant cross-over between DS3 and Bloodborne. This can only be a good thing! 
