Dambuster Studios Comment on Homefront: The Revolution Launch Issues
Homefront: The Revolution's launch has been hit with some performance issues, including frame-rate problems. Over on the game's official forums, a developer addressed the team's plans to deal with these issues.
Homefront: The Revolution is now finally available worldwide, and we hope you are enjoying your first steps in Occupied Philadelphia as a member of the Resistance. It has been a long road for us, and we're only getting started.
But we're also aware that performance - particularly frame rate - is not currently where we want it to be, and we are working on additional patches to help address these issues and more. Patch notes per platform will be available on the community forums and on Steam when they go live.
In the meantime, the first free content in our post-launch Resistance Mode road map has been unlocked for all players today. All 8 individual pieces of the two new Punk and Anarchist outfits, plus the Punk and Anarchist full body clothing, can be found in your character's Gear and Clothing menu for players to customize their Fighters with. On top of that, two bonus Hail Mary boosters in your Consumables inventory offer a free instant revive to help you on your way to completing Missions on the hardest difficulty. Use them wisely!
Beyond improvements and content, we aim to have three additional polished Missions for Resistance Mode available by the end of June, with more free Missions to come after that.
Acelister - 07:31am, 23rd May 2016
Are they also worknig on making it easier? I'm really not having a good time with it...