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DAEMON X MACHINA Officially On its Way to PC

After five months of Switch exclusivity, the acclaimed mech action game DAEMON X MACHINA will be coming to PC. Published by XSEED (instead of Nintendo) and releasing on 13th February, the PC version of DAEMON X MACHINA will feature all the content from the Switch version's numerous free updates, excluding a few pieces of licensed DLC. For a closer look, check out the reveal trailer above.

Set in a crumbling world where corrupted AI called 'Immortals' have taken over, a new type of human —capable of piloting complex mechs called 'Arsenals'— will need to rise up and fight across the globe to reclaim the civilisation. Mech warfare is fast-paced and relentless, prepare for an adrenaline-fuelled time that brings mech warfare to a stylish new level.

With countless variations of mech customisation and new pieces of equipment to salvage off of defeated foes, players who like to tinker with their machines and personalise their play experience will be well-served in DAEMON X MACHINA. Competitive, co-op and endless modes also add to the game's replayability.

DAEMON X MACHINA launches on PC via Steam 13th February. It's available to pre-order now at a 20% discount; on launch week, the game will be priced at a 10% discount.

Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this

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