Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Winter Update
Fans of Valve's hit online shooter can rejoice in Christmas cheer as the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive winter update is on its way. The update will be available soon, free to all players and contains a host of new goodies for everyone.
The first update was a new gun announced.
There are some major timing changes being made. In Competitive Matchmaking, teams can now vote at any time to take one 60-second timeout, which will begin at the next freezetime. Additionally, this update includes a change to round and C4 timers in Competitive Matchmaking (they are now 1:55 and 0:40), and these are the new times that will be used for CS:GO Major Championships. The times are intended to unify the professional and community experience, while addressing the exceptional strength of smoke grenades in the shorter rounds of professional matches. Weapon balance has been adjusted to reward taking your time to aim. Movement inaccuracy has been increased for all pistols (excluding the R8 Revolver), and recovery time has been adjusted for the AK47, M4A4, and M4A1-S to reduce the range at which spraying is preferable to tapping/bursting.