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Counter Strike: Global Offensive - The Winter Offensive is Unleashed

Counter Strike: Global Offensive - The Winter Offensive is Unleashed

Valve have confirmed a new, themed update for first-person shooter Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. The patch, entitled "Winter Offensive" offers new gift cases for players as well we two new maps.

The update is shipping with three types of gifts for the giving: the Gift Package, which will give a random item to one random player in your match; the Pallet of Presents, which will give random items to up to nine people in your match; and the Audience Participation Parcel, which will give random items to up to 25 viewers watching your match.


Two new maps are also available for matchmaking in Operation Bravo.
Cobblestone is an upgrade to the Counter Strike classic. It features more fluid gameplay with more tactical choices and is equally viable for both 5v5 or larger scale matches.
counter strike overpass
The Overpass offers fast paced gameplay in a European setting. It allows you to either defend or take down the Overpass.
Anyone who wants a piece of the action is in luck as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is currently hiding away in the Steam sales.

Helen Ashcroft

Helen Ashcroft

News Specialist

Writer of randomness and maker of films Helen AKA Jetgirl lives with her hubby and 3 kids who support her gaming habit.

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