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Conan Exiles New Patch Delivers Many Updates

Conan Exiles New Patch Delivers Many Updates

Conan Exiles has been updated to build 100728/18311 which is now live on PC and barring any issues should be released on consoles as soon as possible.  Citing players for narrowing down and reporting bugs, the development team stresses that reporting any outstanding bugs or issues will greatly aid in improving the game.

Patch notes are below. For full patch notes visit  Conan Exiles Patch Notes


  • We added several adjustments that should help with Land Harassment
  • Combat Lock on should now priorize enemies over clan members
  • It’s now possible to whitelist players by their SteamID
  • Several Exploits have been addressed
  • Fixed some issues with Thralls not attacking properly
  • Fixed some issues with Thralls falling through the floor. There are several different issues linked to this bug and we keep working on addressing all of them.
  • Fixed an issue with a corpse sometimes not being visible to the player
  • Weapon and Shield display racks should now work as intended
  • We are forcing a feat and attribute to remove any unfair advantages gained from exploits fixed in this patch
Rob Kratz

Rob Kratz

News Writer

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