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Conan Exiles Gets a New Update

Conan Exiles just got a new update! The game was first released on 31st January 2017 on Early Access. According to Funcom, it sold half a million copies within the first month. The developers work hard on keeping their players happy with the content with continuous updates full of fixes, improvements, new content, and new features.

This update marks the third one is as many weeks. Two weeks ago, there was a dyeing system created to colour their clothes and armour. The first patch also added new gear. The second update, added a week ago, gave players a new weapon which allowed boulders to be flung, and it could even fire demon-fire barrages at cities.

The new content includes an entirely unexplored dungeon called The Dregs. The dungeon takes place in the Unnamed City, and in the sewers beneath it. To start the dungeon, a ritual must be preformed. In The Dregs, new enemies and bosses await you with puzzles and obstacles scattered throughout the ruins. The boss is called the Abysmal Remnant and it is unlike anything ever seen or fought in Conan Exiles.

The Dregs isn’t the only new thing to come along with this update; gear and recipes has been added as well. In the dungeon there are new rewards, and even a new crafting technique to make torches that aren’t extinguished with water. Another new crafting technique has been implemented for medium armour as well. The medium armour now requires a sort of frame before being crafted and worn. Developers say that the technique will follow for light and heavy armour as well. New weapons also grace the game, giving players a new sword, dagger, and bolts and arrows. Are you prepared to face the Abysmal Remnant?

Rebecca Riiser

Rebecca Riiser

Staff Writer

Objects to Captain America sleeping with Agent 13.

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