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Check out Epic Combat and Gorgeous Views in the New Lords of the Fallen Gameplay Presentation!

Lords of the Fallen (2023), the reboot of the dark fantasy action-RPG of the same name from Hexworks, has received a 20-minute gameplay presentation where we can see what the highly anticipated world of Axiom and Umbral have in store. In the video, featuring voice-over, we get a sneak peek of Skyrest Bridge and the boss of the area, Pieta, She of the Blessed Renewal. Additionally, we are shown the dual realm mechanic, where the living realm Axiom, and the realm of the dead Umbral, each featuring its own unique pathways, foes, NPC's, and most importantly, loot.!

The completely overhauled combat focusing on speed and variety, along with the dual realm mechanic and other new elements introduced to the genre promise Lords of the Fallen to be one to look out for!

Lords of the Fallen will be released Friday 13th October and is available to pre-order now on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S.

Martin Heath

Martin Heath

Staff Writer

Professional Bungler

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