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Check Out Crossout's New Map - "Clean Island"

Targem Games has released a new content update for its post-apocalyptic vehicular combat title Crossout. Bringing a new map, a limited-time ranked battles mode and the ability to share player-created test ranges within the in-game Exhibition mode. Check out the trailer for the new map above, and click here for the update's full changelog.

Clean Island is a multi-layered map set around a water purification lab and production facility. This ain't no spring water, though. At some points in the map, exceeding boiling point and damaging even armoured vehicles. You best be careful.

Survivors League, another addition in this update, is a limited-time ranked competitive mode pitting two teams of six players in a carefully balanced "Capture" scenario. It's available until the 14th December, so you best act quick if you want in on the action.

The Clean Island  update is out now for Crossout on PC.

Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this

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