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Carmageddon: Reincarnation Pubic Beta Begins

As the original bad-boy of psychotically violent PC racing games, Carmageddon has always been filled with rudeness and gore. But that's why people love it so!

And love is in the air, as well as internal organs, with the launch of the 10GB update bringing Carmageddon: Reincarnation up to the pubic public beta. This means multiplayer and most of the single-player features!

So check out the video above to see what's in store for you when you head into multiplayer, while you wait for Steam to update your Carmageddon: Reincarnation up to date.

Stainless do warn that, as this is beta, it is possible there may be a future update which could wipe your save games and progress. So bear in mind - you might be able to have all of this fun again in the coming months!

carma kissy

Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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Guest - 06:03pm, 15th February 2015


Acelister - 04:32pm, 16th February 2015 Author

My PC doesn't meet the minimum specs for graphics... But it runs! With everything set to Low and all the bars down quite a bit, it runs pretty good. Just not well enough for multiplayer...

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