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Carmageddon IP races from Stainless Games to THQ Nordic

Carmageddon IP races from Stainless Games to THQ Nordic

It's been a quiet year for Stainless Games, after the release of Carmageddon: Reincarnationin 2015, Carmageddon: Max Damage in 2016 and Carmageddon: Crashers in 2017, you'd have been forgiven for thinking that they would release another title this year.

Well it turns out that THQ Nordic have bought the IP from them, instead. The press release had this to say:

The acquisition itself is being handled by THQ Nordic AB, based in Karlstad, Sweden, and daily operations (sales and distribution, evaluation of sequels & new content etc.) will be done via THQ Nordic GmbH in Vienna, Austria and/or www.handy-games.com GmbH in Giebelstadt, Germany, respectively.

Which suggests that the two PC/console games might be making their way to mobile, much like the original Carmageddon has already. HandyGames are behind mobile ports of other titles such as Titan Quest and This is the Police, although they are also behind the Jagged Alliance: RAGE!

We'll let you know if anything Carmageddon-related is announced.

Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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djd4ws0n - 02:33pm, 3rd December 2018

Not sure how I feel about this. The last time that the Carma IP went to another company (TDR2000), it felt like it lost the grittyness and the feel of the game IMO.

I'm kinda hoping that THQ Nordic, whilst aquiring the IP, are keeping Stainless on to develop it...

Platinum - 02:41pm, 3rd December 2018

I really enjoyed TDR 2000...

djd4ws0n - 02:47pm, 3rd December 2018

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed it... but it didn't feel quite as "Carmageddon" as it should have IMO.

pucechan - 02:44pm, 3rd December 2018

Yeah, it's sad to see Stainless lose their original IP but if it keeps them both them and the series around then it's better than them both disappearing. :(

Like you say it'd be nice if Stainless were kept in on the games though!

Rasher - 03:37pm, 3rd December 2018

See, now I have read this I want to do a Carmageddon night

Dombalurina - 03:44pm, 3rd December 2018

That's a good shout. I think a lot of us have Max Damage in some capacity.

djd4ws0n - 03:45pm, 3rd December 2018

Not sure if IRL or Steam...

Acelister - 05:32pm, 3rd December 2018 Author

Too real for me...

Dombalurina - 03:56pm, 3rd December 2018

I feel like we're reaching the point where "THQ Nordic buys IP" isn't really news any more, it's just what happens every day at the THQ Nordic office.
