Cannibalism Introduced to DayZ
Throughout the past month there has been an experimental update for those who have opted in for this, but this was quite a unique update as it included the eating of human flesh. Only recently they launched the stable version of the patch to the public.
In the patch notes, they released ten new items into the database, which included:
Ghillie Suite (Hood, Bushrag, Top)
Ghillie Weapon Wrap
Jerry can
Military Tent
Human Flesh
Steyr Aug
MP133 with pistol grip
Burlap strips
One of the most interesting objects added within the ten is "Human Meat" and this can be consumed by a killer of whom is desperately in need of food. It can however cause "Prion Disease" which was added in the update as-well, along with other new mechanics. So, if you are killed in battle, the winner may eat your flesh but it is possible to catch a disease if eaten raw, of which will kill them later in the game, therefore, revenge.
Another of the popular features was that vehicles have been added into the game, but they do not save at this point in time according to the Developers Blog.
Kaostic - 01:11pm, 4th December 2014
Yay DayZ Updates :D
Platinum - 01:28pm, 4th December 2014
So can you cook the flesh and be fine?
Guest - 03:21pm, 4th December 2014
At the moment, if you eat raw human meat, you get side effects like crying and laughing lots. If you cook it, it's fine. This will no doubt change.
Platinum - 04:28pm, 4th December 2014
@[519595155:Kris 'Kaostic' West] That sounds awesome, show me the meat
Acelister - 04:42pm, 4th December 2014
Mad Cow Disease?! There's a game that now FEATURES CJD? What a world we live in...