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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Trailer Revealed

A trailer for the new Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare hit the web yesterday; days ahead of the planned reveal.

Publishers Activision were forced to reveal their official trailer on Youtube after some industrious and impatient internet types came across a leak. The Call of Duty website still shows the countdown for the worldwide reveal, presumably because they have actual details to give out, but we can glean plenty from the video.

Kevin Spacey has been brought on board to lend both appearance and voice to what looks like the main character. Whether he is good, evil or both is yet to be seen. He's definitely not a fan of democracy. Other elements of the game that are shown include futuristic, Avatar style flying transports (with cloaking ability), drones and seemingly taken a vague cue from Titanfall, exo-armour and gear that let's you scale walls and jump large distances.

 The story seems to centre around Private Military Corporations and the failure of the U.S. government to install democracy in other nations.

Interestingly the video starts with a flash screen that indicates it was taken from Xbox One. If this is running in-engine then it definitely looks pretty. Whether or not it will hit 1080p this time also remains to be seen.

The trailer follows on the heals of a kind of lead-in short film about the rise of the PMC (Private Military Corporation) in recent years. This video (watchable below) talks over some startling facts and figures (presumably real and not invented) about how much of military action is handled by mercenaries for hire. You can watch this below.


Ian Plumpton

Ian Plumpton

News Reporter

His skill mostly resides in talking a good game. Legend has it he once hit somebody on Call of Duty but no evidence has been found.

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