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Bring Back Crash Bandicoot Petition Gains Momentum

Bring Back Crash Bandicoot Petition Gains Momentum

A change.org petition to bring back Crash Bandicoot to Playstation has gathered a lot of support after a twitter campaign. Needing 10,000 signatures for it to be sent to Sony and various other Sony affiliated destinations, the petition currently has over 7,000 willing supporters. 

Crash Bandicoot is currently owned by Activision who bought the IP back in 2008. The petition doesn't promise anything other than to 'raise heads at Sony' although it may take more than 10,000 signatures to get Sony's attention, having sold the IP back in 2000.

There were rumours circulating that Sony had bought Crash back in 2013 after a mysterious sign was spotted in the PlayStation 4 launch advert featuring a sillouette of Crash below a sign that looked like Sony's logo (To the far right of the picture below). These rumours were quickly quelled by Activision who stated that they still owned the IP however.


The last game in the main Crash series was Crash: Mind Over Mutant which released on PS2, PSP, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii and DS, receiving highs on metacritic of 73.

If you'd like to sign the petition, you can do so right here

Dom D'Angelillo

Dom D'Angelillo

Staff Writer

Dom is an English Language graduate. How does he make the most of his degree? He plays obscene amounts of Playstation of course!

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domdange - 02:36pm, 10th March 2015 Author

The petition is completeley pointless, as if 10,000 signatures will make Sony fork out for Crash!

Acelister - 02:39pm, 10th March 2015

They publicised the fact that the Crash games made up a majority of the PSN downloads for 2014. And there is STILL no news on a new Crash.

The fans have spoken with their wallets - and been ignored.

domdange - 03:21pm, 10th March 2015 Author

It'd be very Sony of old to just say "well, the ps classics are making us money, we don't need to make a new one"... New Sony however...

It just seems like it would go against they're ethos of introducing new IP and innovative indies. I'd be so happy if they did a ps4 game though

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