Bridge Constructor Halloween Update
Hit game Bridge Constructor is getting five new levels on "Pumpkinidad Island". The Halloween update it free for all players and currently available on iOS, Android and Steam versions of the game. The update will only be available during the holiday however, so you'll want to pick it up before it disappears.
In Bridge Constructor you have to prove yourself as an accomplished master bridge builder. Play 40 different levels, and build bridges over deep valleys, canals, and rivers. Stress tests reveal whether the bridge you build can withstand the daily stress of continual use from cars, trucks and, more recently, super-heavy tank trucks.
"Seeing as it's Halloween though" the developer stated: "we can't go without some haunted castles, bats and cemeteries. Build bridges over seemingly endless valleys in the deepest, foggiest night, with a full moon hanging above. Make sure to build them strong enough for the heavy Coach of the Dead to be able to get across."
As well as the free update, there's two new chargeable DLC packs available for the game. The first is Slopemania, featuring crazy sloping levels, and he second is a locomotive based addon, simply called "Trains".
In the SlopeMania add-on you find yourself on the Tiltin Islands, home to three brand new islands where you'll even be building your bridges inside colourful grottoes! The 24 tricky levels will have you using sloping lanes to overcome the massive height differences. The "Crazy Levels" are the real brainteasers and require out-of-the-box thinking and unusual solutions.
Purchase the Trains add-on and get the Choonited Kingdom island group, with a total of 18 new levels across three islands. Build massive bridges that can withstand the enormous weight of the two new vehicles on offer – a commuter train and a heavily loaded freight train. The idyllic and beautifully designed landscapes will make the heart of every railroad fanatic skip a beat.