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Bread & Fred Doubles Content in New Free Major Update

Indie sensation Bread & Fred, one of the first Foddian titles to incorporate co-op mechanisms, has officially received a new major content update that nearly doubles the content in the game. And best of all, it is absolutely free.

Take on the climb once again as Infogrames and SandCastles Studio reinvite players to experience their cute and challenging platformer Bread & Freadin an all-new content update. Named the Laboratory Update, players will once have to tie themselves to their buddies to climb their way through an all-new environment with unique mechanics previously unseen in the main game.

The Laboratory introduces players to a slew of new content as you embark on a different narrative from before and find a new mountain to climb — even if, this time, it isn't a snowy one. This does come with timed puzzles for players to defeat in the Boss rooms, increasing your latest challenge by a tad.

Bread Fred Laboratory Update Release Trailer 0 51 screenshot

The new content update adds the following features:

  • New Platforms
  • New Boss Room
  • Secret Capybaras

You'll need to encounter and interact with new platforms that you'll have to get creative with. The theme of the entire update is laboratory, and as such, these involve mechanical switches, lasers, sensors, buttons, and different mechanics that'll keep you and your ally on your toes as you ascend.

The new platforms include:

  • Electronic Platforms activated by either Buttons, Lasers, or Sensors
  • Impulse Platforms that bring even more momentum-based gameplay
  • Rotating platforms that turn automatically after a set period of time.

Bread Fred Laboratory Update Release Trailer 1 7 screenshot

Finally, you may have noticed that we mentioned secret capybaras. These cute animals are scattered across five secret zones around the Laboratory, where you'll need to traverse a difficult puzzle to reach the end and claim the lost capybara, giving you a new, tough-as-nails collectible to acquire.

This major content update for Bread & Fred is out now for players to take advantage of. Begin your climb across the Laboratory now!

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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