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Brazen Blaze Update Ver 1.10.0 Adds New Mode and Requested Features

Brazen Blaze Update Ver 1.10.0 Adds New Mode and Requested Features

MyDearest Inc.'s 3v3 VR title Brazen Blaze has officially released a Version 1.10.0 update, adding a new mode for players to enjoy and some requested features. Here's everything added in the latest version!

First up, front-and-centre is the Challenge Mode, where you'll be able to survive against hordes of the undead and massive gorillas (yes, you read that right). The Zombie Update gives players the opportunity to partake in a survival-esque mode where you'll have to flee from the incoming threats as you defend yourself by hiding, shooting, and punching your way until help arrives. The new Challenge Mode will give veterans of the game something new and unique to try out.

Meanwhile, new public lobbies have been added, which was a feature requested by the community. You can now join and see up to eight players who are online and join lobbies with them to begin your matches. You'll be able to select your favourite runner in the Closet, changing the colours of your avatar in order to give you a bit more identity and even show off badges for your accomplishments to show your veterancy in the game.

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This change also comes with the "Public Lobby" and "Private Lobby" functionality, and you can use the new "Game Starting Area" option to change between the two types of lobbies before starting a match. This way, you'll be able to meet a few other players before you head into a match and beat 'em up!

The final additions are UI design changes and bug fixes, the former of which adds a feature to allow players to display their Player Icons and Icon Frames in addition to the Player Names. Meanwhile, the latter fixes the bug where NPCs would respawn outside of their designated point, making them difficult to find.

Version 1.10.0 of Brazen Blaze is out now!

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Staff Writer

Writes in her sleep, can you tell?

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