Blizzard To Remove Minimum Requirements Of Death Knights
When Blizzard launched World of Warcraft: The Lich King and introduced what was to be the first (and only) "hero class" the Death Knight, they stuck some fairly hefty restrictions on the players who wanted to choose this former scourge.
Only one per account, and only available if you had one character over level 55.
Soon enough, they lifted the 1 per account bit, and now they have announced in a blue post on the forum that they are lifting the remaining level 55 restriction as a result of the existence of the new "boost to level 90" in-game store item.
Go, heroes! There's an Iron Horde to smash!
Guest - 10:22pm, 13th December 2014
they havent already done this? i bought the game 2 days ago, so still no lvl 55 or above, and i was able to make one immediately