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Billion Beat Launches on Steam Early Access

Developer Dronami's '90s cartoon-style, Punch-Out!-inspired boxing game Billion Beat is out now via Steam Early Access. Take a look at the in-the-ring gameplay, surreal character designs and some of the peripheral gameplay mechanics in the trailer above.

While this Early Access version has only launched with one playable character, the full release will have three, each with a unique fighting style to get to grips with. In addition, the full version is planned to include animated story segments and RPG-style "Tronix" (equippable items with stat effects). The Early Access period is expected to last six months, as stated by the developer.

Billion Beat is out now on PC via Steam Early Access.

Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this

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