Battlefleet Gothic: Armada Reveals New Round of Screenshots
Tindalos Interactive has released a new round of screenshots for Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, showing off more Chaos ships in action. We've previously covered the game's teaser and first screenshots here, so be sure to check it out if you haven't done so!
Here's what they have to say about the Chaos ships.
Featuring ships from a kilometer in length to 7.5km and with a fleet comprising of raiders such as the Idolator as the fleet's smallest all the way up to the The Planet Killer, the capital ship of the Abbaddon, as the largest, see the Chaos strike at the Imperium for the first time.
The Chaos blast through the hulls of their foes with gigantic, powerful munitions such as the macro-cannon battery, the lances, and the Armageddon cannon, all in real-time. If sabotage is your thing, the launch bay will allow you to board enemy ships and wreak havoc from the inside!
More information about Battlefleet Gothic: Armada will be unveiled at E3 soon, so stay tuned for more coverage!
Mister Woot - 11:58pm, 11th June 2015
If you can't play as the VI , XVIII, XX or XIX legions I'll sulk