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Battlefield 4 Free Trial on PlayStation 3

Battlefield 4 Free Trial on PlayStation 3

Starting tomorrow, PlayStation 3 owners will be able to download a free trial version of Battlefield 4, Sony has announced.

In a posting on the PlayStation Blog, Sony say that the free trial will be available from May 27 and will include "..the full Battlefield 4 base game and will be available for 20 playable hours from the first moment you start playing."

The fourth instalment of the FPS has been plagued with bugs from it's release and while many problems have been fixed, issues still exist and EA and DICE seem to be struggling to bring the game totally up to scratch. Despite this, Battlefield 4 still enjoys popularity, but perhaps uptake has been lacking slightly on the PlayStation 3. So far there is no mention of a free trial version for any other format, so presumably this is a Sony decision.

The Battlefield 4 free trial version is available now through the PlayStation Store.

Ian Plumpton

Ian Plumpton

News Reporter

His skill mostly resides in talking a good game. Legend has it he once hit somebody on Call of Duty but no evidence has been found.

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