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Batman: Arkham Origins to Get New DLC

Batman: Arkham Origins to Get New DLC

The secretive social media team behind the Batman: Arkham Origin Facebook Page are teasing us again. We are assuming this is the start of us discovering the "all new story content" that we were first told to expect when the Arkham Origins Season Pass was released. The latest post follows last weeks invitation to the Humanitarian of the Year Awards at Wayne Manor on New Year’s Eve.

This morning they have released this image of an awards statue covered in ice.

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 All-new STORY DLC coming in 2014!  More details to come...

At this point I think we can assume the black tie awards ceremony is NOT going to go to plan. Is that presence of ice an indication that Dr Victor Fries AKA Mr Freeze is in town? How long we will have to wait to find out how and why is still unknown.

Batman: Arkham Origin has already received some solid downloadable updates recently with the introduction of online multiplayer mode, Hunter, Hunted, in mid-December and an initiation challenge map pack based on Bruce Wayne's training to become Batman.

Batman: Arkham Origin is available on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Windows PC.


Helen Ashcroft

Helen Ashcroft

News Specialist

Writer of randomness and maker of films Helen AKA Jetgirl lives with her hubby and 3 kids who support her gaming habit.

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