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Batman: Arkham Origins Multiplayer To Close

Batman: Arkham Origins Multiplayer To Close

If you've enjoyed playing the multiplayer portion of Batman: Arkham Origins at all in the last three years you've only got a few weeks left to revisit it or unlock achievements you've missed as it's going away soon.

WB Games posted on their community forums that as of the 4th December 2016 the servers will be turned off and you'll no longer be able to partake in the quirky multiplayer offering.

The statement was posted by WBMike their Community Manager and it reads:

As of December 4, 2016, the online services portion of Batman: Arkham Origins will be retired We thank those that have joined us to battle over the last 3 years. The Single player campaign may still be played and enjoyed offline.

It's always sad to see any part of a game become inaccessible, especially a multiplayer portion. Perhaps it's time to throw a few batarangs before the end times come.

Simone Brown

Simone Brown

Staff Writer

Often reminiscing about the 'good old days'. Simone has almost perfected her plan to enter the Speed Force and alter the timeline.

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Acelister - 06:09pm, 6th November 2016

I think it's hilarious that they felt they had to state that single player would still be accessable.

I still haven't gotten around to playing it...

pucechan - 07:26pm, 6th November 2016 Author

Yeah, that it needed re-iterating that single player isn't affected is fun.

FWIW I quite enjoyed Origins even though it came to an unsatisfying conclusion. It was a fun ride once past that initial Deathstroke boss fight! :D

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