Bang-On Balls: Chronicles is Getting Even Bigger in May!
Bang-On Balls: Chronicles is receiving a massive and free update in May! This eye-catching 3D platformer is already pretty big as it is, and it really charmed our writer when she reviewed it, and now it's just going to get bigger and more fun.
If you're itching to jump and chaotically explore more areas, you'll be happy to know that Exit Plan added a new region named Wild West! In it, you'll find five regions: Mexico, Saloon City, Oil Fields, Beaver Town, and Gold Mines, and as if that weren't enough, they all have sub-regions, too! Prepare to get on rail carts, ride horses, and rob a train whenever you're not busy customising your character with the 80 new items to find and use! This includes a ton of fun new weapons, such as a lasso, revolver, shotgun, bow & arrows, and even TNT crates!
All of this new exploring, fun, and loot doesn't come without its challenges, however. Get ready to fight four new bosses and four mini-bosses!
If you want to learn more about the game, consider reading Artura's review on it; she's a big fan of 3D platformers! The update is dropping on the 10th of May for PC, PlayStation, and Xbox, with the Switch version releasing at a later date.