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Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Expansion 1: Wrath of the Druids Launch Trailer

Assassin's Creed Valhalla's first major expansion is here. The expansion, Wrath of the Druids, was released for standalone purchase and as part of the title's Season Pass on all available consoles. Developed by Ubisoft Bordeaux, Wrath of the Druids sees Viking protagonist Eivor uncovering the mysteries of the Children of Danu, an ancient druidic cult, exploring Ireland and Gaelic folklore, and working towards unifying the country's warring factions.

Invited to this "bewitching and beautiful" brand new explorable region by their long-lost cousin Baird and drafted to work towards Irish unification by High-King Flann Sinna, Eivor has much to do. The new region includes the city of Dublin, three provinces, and several famed historical landmarks, including but not limited to the Giant's Causeway, Tara Hill, Black Pig's Dyke, and Ben Bulben.

The expansion features more than just a whole new area, with new features like the Gaelic Kings' Royal Demands that Eivor can complete to gain resources or the ability to trade those resources overseas, among other rewards, and conquer Ireland's Ring Forts to make Dublin thrive. Along with these new features comes several new customisation options, for Eivor's hair, tattoos, raven, horse, longship, and settlement.

In addition, Wrath of the Druids comes with many new weapons and gear, including a whole new weapon-type in the fast, deadly, and dual-wieldable Sickle. To use them to the best of their ability, and otherwise give Eivor more options in a fight, other new skills and abilities have been added as well, such as the Viking Salute, Smoke Bomb Arrows, the Irish Hound Summoning, and the Sickle Combo. These can be used to face a whole host of new enemies, like the aforementioned Children of Danu, other Irish factions, Drengrs, and new mythical creatures. 

Wrath of the Druids will be unlocked in-game once players have completed one of England's first narrative arcs available when they arrive from Norway, whether that be Grantebridgescire or Ledecestrescire. And don't worry too hard about your level, as the expansion has no mandatory power level to access it.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla, and thereby this expansion, is available on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Stadia, and Windows through the Epic Games Store and the Ubisoft Store, as well as Amazon Luna and Ubisoft+, Ubisoft's subscription service. The Wrath of the Druids expansion can be purchased on its own, through the Season Pass, or through Valhalla's Gold, Ultimate, or Collector Editions.

Erin McAllister

Erin McAllister

Staff Writer

Erin is a massive fan of mustard, writes articles that are too long, and is a little bit sorry about the second thing.

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