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Assassin's Creed Unity Sneak Peak

Less than two days after Kotaku leaked screenshots of Assassin's Creed Unity, one of apparently two new major titles in the series set for release this fall, developer Ubisoft has officially confirmed the leak and released the first official look at the first Assassin's Creed next gen game.

At a little over a minute, Ubisoft's sneak peak offers a tantalizing snippet of alpha (meaning pre-beta) footage, showing off a dramatic Parisian cityscape and a glimpse of the game's new protagonist before ending on an ominous shot of a guillotine. 

Unity is set during the French Revolution, and features a new assassin named Arno according to the original leak. So far, all footage and screenshots have shown iconic Paris landmarks, and it's unclear what the scope of the game's map will be. Assassin's Creed Unity will be released solely for current gen consoles, as well as PC, making it the first of game in the series not to see Xbox 360 or PS3 release. However, it's much more mysterious cousin, with the working name Comet, will apparently be released for previous gen consoles. 


Ruth Krabacher

Ruth Krabacher

Staff Writer / News Writer

After being told dragontamer is "not a real job", she settled for being a word typer-upper. Finally got those San Diego Comic Con tickets.

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