Apple Raises Prices of Its Cheapest Apps
As a result of changes in VAT and exchange rates Apple have raised the prices of Apps in the UK store from 69p to 79p as of yesterday.
Apple's statement yesterday stated that "Prices on the App Store will increase for all territories in the European Union as well as in Canada and Norway, decrease in Iceland, and change in Russia. These changes are being made to account for adjustments in value-added tax (VAT) rates and foreign exchange rates."
According to "a recent EU policy has required Apple to deduct VAT based on the location of its customers, rather than the company itself."
This news follows more changes to the App store in which the European Commission deemed apps sold as 'free' misleading.
Eric Moose - 01:30pm, 9th December 2016
Apple apps prices raised because, 80% people used apple devices in European countries. i'm a game app developer & i know what the cost of an simple game app in IOS technology.