Another Writer Leaves Bioware as Mass Effect Andromeda Pushed Back to 2017
It's starting to look a little bit like there's trouble brewing at Bioware. The company lost one of their most prolific writers in David Gaider back in January, followed by Mass Effect: Andromeda's lead writer Chris Shlerf, who left to join Bungie in February of this year. Now, a week into March and the third month of the year sees the third departure from the Canadian developer.
Cameron Harris was a Senior Editor at Bioware and had been involved heavily with the stories of Star Wars: The Old Republic, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and the upcoming fourth Mass Effect game. She announced her exit, like others before her, via social media site Twitter:
I had a great time at BioWare, working with so many talented, passionate folks. I'm grateful for everything you taught me over the years.
— Cameron Harris (@camharr) March 4, 2016
Given the exodus from the studio, it's no surprise then to see that the fourth installment of the Sci-Fi RPG series, for which Harris was writing at the time of her departure, has been pushed back into 2017. At their investor call, Bioware announced that the game is now due in the fourth quarter of the fiscal year, putting it in early 2017, rather than the previously announce holiday 2016. The company sounded confident in their expected success so we have no reason to believe that the triple resignation is anything more than co-incidence at the moment, however time will tell if there is more trouble brewing at the company than they are currently letting on so keep your peelers here on GameGrin for more news as it comes in.
domdange - 04:32pm, 9th March 2016
Not sure if this neccessarily suggests problems. I would imagine the writer's work is done by this point, probbaly just looking for constant work
Dombalurina - 12:11am, 10th March 2016 Author
I'm not sure though. When Schlerf left last month, he seemed to be indicating that there was still writing going on. I hope that you're right though and I'm just worried about nothing, I'd hate for Andromeda to go the way of Fable Legends.