Another New Trailer for Carmageddon: Max Damage
Did you know that penguins don’t have any land-based predators? They are at risk from whales and sea lions whilst at sea, but land mammals simply do not eat them. This is why they tend to be so docile around humans, even in the wild. This is all about to change though, as with the release of Carmageddon: Max Damage, the aquatic birds have a very violent and fast moving predator in the form of the game’s vehicles.
We’ve seen a few trailers for Carmageddon Max Damage recently. The creators have been terrorising nuns, caravans, scooters and cows. The fifth in their “We do” series of trailers takes on penguins. Like the other trailers in the series, there’s a lot of carnage and a healthy spillage of claret so be warned it may not be suitable for all ages, or for those who really love penguins.