And Britain's Favourite Videogame Is...
A report from YouGov has determined that the Britain's favourite videogame is King's Candy Crush Saga, slightly edging out Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto series.
Candy Crush Saga was overwhelmingly popular with women, with Grand Theft Auto being the favourite title for men, with FIFA a close second.
The full report details not only Britain's favourite game, but settles age old classics like Mario vs Sonic and PlayStation vs N64.
FoxyStoat - 10:35pm, 3rd August 2015
Urgh. I love how non-"gamers" mock us "gamers" for playing video games, yet they're the ones spending more time on Candy Crush than Rasher has of content on his Steam games!
djd4ws0n - 10:36pm, 3rd August 2015
Rasher told me that they'd updated Simpson's Tapped Out recently...
Acelister - 08:53pm, 4th August 2015
The recent update's nothing special... Just Springfield Heights. A few updates ago they had a comic book motif!
djd4ws0n - 09:20am, 4th August 2015
I quite like how at one point, they seem to have copy pasted from another survey;
"the amount of people who say they like the cartoon at all"
djd4ws0n - 09:21am, 4th August 2015
Searched for that phrase, it's a copy/paste from the YouGov article about Tom & Jerry being Britain's favourite cartoon...
djd4ws0n - 09:27am, 4th August 2015
Relevant math;
Acelister - 10:51am, 4th August 2015
Not that you're so bothered by this news that you can't stop banging on about it, or anything... ;)
djd4ws0n - 10:52am, 4th August 2015
Heh, slow morning.. :P