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All Buffs, Nerfs, Adjustments, and Skins in League of Legends Patch 14.17

All Buffs, Nerfs, Adjustments, and Skins in League of Legends Patch 14.17

Riot Games has been preparing the latest surge of patch notes for players. Patch 14.17 released on the 28th of August, and it comes with a slew of nerfs, buffs, and a new set of skins for players to enjoy! Here's everything you need to know:


11 Champions Affected

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The most notable change coming in Patch 14.17 is the nerfs to the Senna rework. Here are all of the champions affected by nerfs:

  • Ashe (Pro League)
  • Aurora (All ranks)
  • Ezreal (Pro League)
  • Katarina (Average, Skilled, and Elite ranks)
  • Kennen (Pro League)
  • LeBlanc (Average, Skilled, and Elite ranks)
  • Pyke (Skilled and Elite ranks)
  • Rumble (Pro League)
  • Senna (Average, Skilled, and Elite ranks)
  • Seraphine (Average, Skilled, and Elite ranks)
  • Sylas (Average, Skilled, and Elite ranks)

In Patch 14.16, Riot Games adjusted her to work with enchanter builds, and that became her primary building path, which they weren't pleased about and have toned down the new numbers a tad.


Seven Champions Affected

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There are a wide range of buffs in this patch, hoping to adjust low win rates and prevent those that have already been balanced from being affected too much by changes coming this patch. All of the Champion buffs are:

  • Caitlyn
  • Graves
  • Kindred
  • Ryze
  • Varus
  • Twisted Fate
  • Lissandra

Kindred's getting some love after the Kraken Slayer nerfs that hit her quite hard. Meanwhile, after finally escaping Pro jail, Varus is now underperforming, so they're hoping to help his scaling.


Five items and runes affected

Several items and runes were hit this patch to prevent them from being paramount in so many builds. Riot Games is hoping to prevent Fleet Footwork from being a no-brainer pick in pre-game, instead forcing other champions to pick other, strong runes that have been balanced over the last few patches. Every change is:

  • Absorb Life
  • Cut Down
  • Fleet Footwork
  • Warmog's Armor
  • Celestial Opposition

New Skins

Six new skins

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A new wave of patches means a brand-new wave of skins! This time around, we're getting an addition to the Battle Queen skinline alongside Divine God-King Darius and Fallen God-King Garen! Here are all of the new skins:

  • Battle Queen Miss Fortune
  • Battle Queen Gwen
  • Battle Queen Fiora
  • Battle Princess Annie
  • Divine God-King Darius
  • Fallen God-King Garen

All of the four Battle Queen (and Princess) skins are getting eight chromas each.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Staff Writer

Writes in her sleep, can you tell?

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