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All Buffs, Nerfs, Adjustments, and Skins in League of Legends Patch 14.16

All Buffs, Nerfs, Adjustments, and Skins in League of Legends Patch 14.16

Patch 14.16 of League of Legends is finally here, and it comes with a mini rework to one of the game's most beloved champions. With this, we also draw closer to the closing of Season 14's Split 2 and the beginning of Split 3, though, in this article, we'll be focusing on all of the changes to champions and items.


One Corki Affected

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Only one Champion received a nerf this time around, and that is none other than Corki, The Daring Bombardier! Sitting at a 51% win rate on Challenger, Corki sits comfortably as the 55th Champion with the highest winrate currently and 17 most games played!

His Q has received an increase in mana cost to prevent him from being too much of a bully, while also increasing his cooldown across all ranks. This should be able to prevent him from using Phosphorus Bomb too freely without much repercussions.


Eight Champions affected

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The buff department saw quite a large list of Champions this time around! The total list of champions changed were the following:

  • Azir
  • Katarina
  • Orianna
  • Skarner
  • Sylas
  • Syndra
  • Vi
  • Wukong

Notably, Azir has been reverted because changes meant to affect Pro play instead impacted his Solo Queue, while Katarina is being changed a bit to fit more how players want to play her, with her power shifting from E max to favour Q and full AP builds. Sylas also received a similar buff (which seemed rather substantial!), giving him better extended battle opportunities for players who build him full health.


Three Champions affected

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This patch, we saw quite a large rework to the way Senna works and interacts as a support overall. Here were all of the adjusted Champions:

  • Lucian
  • Qiyana
  • Senna

Our Sentinel couple received some love in the form of re-adjustments, both being constricted into the roles they were meant to be played. Lucian saw some nerfs to prevent him from out-performing in midlane, while Senna received a pretty big overhaul that borders on rework.


Four changes

The four changes to systems are to items and mechanics in the game to prevent unfavourable gameplay elements that have plagued Summoner's Rift for a while.

  • Black Cleaver
  • Blade of the Ruined King
  • Doran's Blade
  • Death Timers and Deathguards

Notably, many of these changes are being made to prevent early-game dominance from ADCs playing outside of their area, with Blade of the Ruined King and Doran's Blade specifically receiving nerfs to stop too much abuse. Meanwhile, Black Cleaver received a buff, allowing players to stack two in one ability for those who have two on-hit abilities in their kit, and Death Timers and Deathguards are being adjusted to stop playres from being punished for nabbing an early kill and then having their lane frozen. Ouch.

New Skins

Six new skins

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Six new skins are arriving, and they're all centred around League of Legends' esports sweetheart: SKT T1! Here are all of the new skins arriving this patch:

  • T1 Jayce
  • T1 Bard
  • T1 Jinx
  • T1 Orianna
  • T1 Lee Sin
  • Prestige T1 Jayce

They're all also coming with one chroma each, giving the skins a more reddish look for you to enjoy. If you want to check out the full patch notes, make sure you follow this link!

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Staff Writer

Writes in her sleep, can you tell?

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