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Airport Contraband Teaser Trailer

Have you ever wondered where all the drugs came from? And how is it possible that so many illegal things have been smuggled across borders? If so, DRAGO entertainment and Movie Games have a game, which might solve that mystery.

Airport Contraband is a story-driven simulator, where you not only play as an airport security member, but you also follow his career. Which is definitely not as easy-peasy as you’d like - there are constantly smuggling stuff passengers, there are private jets loaded with illegal content. And last but not least - there are virus restrictions. When you meet with quarantine requirements, canceled flights, and angry passengers, you're going to miss these carefree moments in a small airport with a sandy runaway in South America.

Airport Contraband is set to launch for Windows sometime later in 2020.

Luke Greenfield

Luke Greenfield

Staff Writer

Just a guy that loves to write :)

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