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Accel World VS Sword Art Online For PS4 And PS Vita Announced

Fans of both Action RPGs and anime shows can rejoice, as Accel World VS Sword Art Online is coming to PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita this summer. 

Those of you who are confused about the mash-up: both Accel World and Sword Art Online are created by Reki Kawahara, and both shows have a heavy focus on the digital world infringing on real life (or replacing it entirely). Knowing this, mashing the two together suddenly isn't as far-fetched anymore. 

Accel World VS Sword Art Online is going to have its own, unique story line that revolves around saving Yui from the hands of Personna Babel. Mechanically speaking, the game is a party based Action RPG that combines Acceleration and Special Techniques from Accel World with the flight and magic from Sword Art Online. Combining and balancing these two in a three-man team should grant you a great deal of customizability in play style and preference and increase the replayability of the game. 


Jorg "GreyAethelwulf" van der Velden

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Acelister - 09:18am, 29th January 2017

The sequel had better feature .hack. That franchise needs a comeback, and it's owned by Bandai...

Gargontara - 05:03pm, 30th January 2017

.Hack is dead, nothing's going to bring that series back. Especially with the animated series being as niche as it is.

Acelister - 01:59pm, 20th June 2017

HAH! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_e9p4DnB2EU

Gargontara - 02:45pm, 20th June 2017

*Slow claps* but is it going to get western release though...

Acelister - 02:47pm, 20th June 2017

Yup. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPaPZZarJeQ

Gargontara - 02:50pm, 20th June 2017

Well then, I going to be eating my words for dinner then.

Gargontara - 05:00pm, 30th January 2017

I can see this game being quite the Accel-ent and Art-full. Let's hope it isn't Reki-d so I can pig out :P

On a serious note, this looks interesting might make Accel World entertaining for me. Dropped that series because of the main charater, although this messes my head with the timeline of the Reki Kawahara universe...

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