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A Deeper Look at Two Point Hospital

Being the spiritual successor to Theme Hospital, we always knew that Two Point Hospital was going to be a little bit silly. At E3's PC Gaming show, we got an idea of what we can expect from the title, with a much deeper look and a chat with the developers.

The title will be a moire in-depth simulator as opposed to the mission-based original game from back in the day, and you'll be much more hands-on with the management of Two Point Hospital. We also saw a number of the games illnesses, including monobrow infestation, turtle head (where the patient's head pops into their next) and the classic "saucepan stuck on the head". The game is due for release before the end of the year.

E3 2018 - News

Gary "Dombalurina" Sheppard

Staff Writer

Gary maintains his belief that the Amstrad CPC is the greatest system ever and patiently awaits the sequel to "Rockstar ate my Hamster"

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Rasher - 12:56am, 12th June 2018

Omg must not tag people at 1am to these posts 
