2016 Heroes of the Storm Global Championship Circuit Announced at BlizzCon
Blizzard's MOBA has become a stalwart of streamers and competetive gamers since its launch. With that in mind it's probably no surprise to hear that in the midst of their championship live at Blizzcon, the big B announced details of their Global Championships for 2016 including dates, regions and prizes.
There will be three Global Championships next year: one in spring, another during summer, and the third during Autumn. There are 12 spots at each of these events, pitting the number one teams from each region against each other.
Regional competitions will function independently from one another, with their own formats and structures. Regions announced so far are: Australia/New Zealand, China, Europe, Korea, Latin America, North America, Southeast Asia, and Taiwan. The final 4 have yet to be confirmed.
The competition begins in January, and the first Global Championship in the spring, is set to have a prize pool of 500,000USD. More details over the coming weeks at the offical website.