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112 Operator Getting Ready for Dispatch

Everybody's favorite operator game is coming back and you can expect bigger and better things. 112 Operator is a real-time strategy game where players receive calls from people in a multitude of situations in the game.

The player will manage units and dispatch units depending on the player's choice in a situation. Use your real-world location or anywhere else in the world to be your command center. New cites and 25x bigger maps along with 3D buildings bring your map to life when answering the new 60 emergency calls. You will deal with anything from instructing someone how to perform CPR, hear a murder story, or wasting time with a prank call. A new redesigned campaign mode with a story, objectives, and emails. A new dynamic system is in place for many parts of the game including, traffic system, seasons changing, and a day and night cycle.

Being an Operator isn't only about dealing with accidents and crime, but also seeing to the major cataclysms that arise, such as earthquakes, tornados, and major fires. Incidents players encounter will vary depending on the Country laws, map area and locational characteristics. A new fire mechanic in-game, requiring dozens of units that will consume an area if not combated correctly. Command a SWAT team when backup is needed. Choose if your team is going to be in regular attire, riot gear, or simply in Search and Rescue helicopters. Upgrade and buy new units to supply them with dogs or bomb disarming robots.

112 Operator will release on 23rd of April for PC.



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