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100ft Robot Golf is Just as Insane as it Sounds

For PlayStation fans, Christmas may as well have come early this year as the PlayStation Expo event has provided a huge selection of new games to get excited about. It wasn't just about the big AAA titles though, in amongst the Uncharteds and Final Fantasy's was off-the-wall indie game 100ft Robot Golf.

This unashamedly 90s influenced game will feature a golf game between giant sized mechs in city-sized golf courses. You can destroy the environment around you to make your shot easier or your opponent's harder. The title will also feature PlayStation VR support so if you want to feel more immersed in being a giant robot, then you can! Checkout the official website for more details.


Gary "Dombalurina" Sheppard

Staff Writer

Gary maintains his belief that the Amstrad CPC is the greatest system ever and patiently awaits the sequel to "Rockstar ate my Hamster"

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Rasher - 06:24pm, 8th December 2015

I need this in my LIFE

Dombalurina - 09:50pm, 8th December 2015 Author

This looks amazeballs. Getting this as soon as it comes out.

TGK - 10:04pm, 8th December 2015

This looks brilliant! Haha!

Acelister - 04:04pm, 11th December 2015

I need this inside me.
