Cherry MX 6.0 Keyboard Preview
The Cherry MX 6.0 is the latest keyboard from Cherry, a name you're more likely to know from their switches than their own brand of keyboards. But if it’s good for the goose, then it’s good for the gander.
Introduced with this keyboard is a new technology that Cherry are naming “RealKey”, which is stated to bring the response time of a keypress from 20ms down to just 1ms. After a key is pressed on a standard keyboard, there’s a small timeframe in which that key effectively disables itself, so that the bouncing of the contacts don’t accidentally trigger a second press (In what’s known as digital debounce). RealKey aims to eliminate that by adding an old technology to new - analogue. It may seem backwards, but analogue tracking of the debounce signal allows a more accurate representation of whether the key was actually pressed a second time, removing the guesswork and the need for the digital debounce deactivation. Ghosting with the MX 6.0 is also a thing of the past, as each key press or combination of keys creates a unique analogue signal, so nothing gets confused.
There’s no bells and whistles that come with other keyboards such as macros, or fancy displays. But in a shift for Cherry moving from the ‘office’ market to gaming, they have included a nice red backlight, with some of the function keys appearing in blue.
It’s expected to launch in the UK mid-May for a retail price of £149.99.
For further information regarding the MX 6.0, visit the Cherry website.